Once the video starts playing you can use the play/pause button and even go full screen by clicking on the Full screen option in the bottom right of the video:
After logging in to the booking system (http://www.trainingbooking.wsht.nhs.uk/), select the course that you want to book. When you select the course it will be marked with an arrow and the course details will show in the right hand column:
Click on the Book Now button in the Course Details to the right of the selected date:
On the Booking screen, the course details appear on the left hand side so you can check you have selected the correct course (if you haven’t then click on the Availability tab to go back to view Course Availability).
To book a place on the course for yourself, scroll to the bottom, enter your email address and click on the search icon:
Your details will populate the fields automatically, click on the Book Now button:
The Booking Confirmation page will appear to confirm that you have booked the space along with your booking reference
A confirmation e-mail will also be sent to you (a reminder e-mail will also be sent to you, two days before the course start date) If the images in the e-mail aren’t showing then please click on the yellow warning bar across the top of the email to allow them.
Now that your booking has been confirmed you can add another person to the same course by clicking on the Add Another Delegate button to go to the Booking Form.
Enter the full details of the person that you wish to book. Ensure that you give as much detail as possible to ensure that the correct SemaHelix access is given. If you do not know, or do not have an email address for the person please leave it blank. Once completed click on Add Delegate at the bottom.
Click on Yes to confirm the booking. The Booking Confirmation page opens showing the Booking reference number, you will receive an email as you are the course organiser and the person you booked will also receive an email if you entered their email address. Please ensure that you confirm with the other person that they have been booked on to the course along with where and when they should attend. If you need to book another staff member to the same course then please return to point number 8 above. If you need to book another staff member on to a different course then select the Availability tab and go through the process.